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Types Of Immune Response And Their Impact On Health

Types of Immune Response and Their Impact on Health

Understanding the types of immune response and their impact on health is crucial for our overall health and well-being. Health challenges often arise when our immune system dysfunctions and remains fixed in one specific mode for too long causing damage to the body. So in this blog, we’ll unpack the science-backed advantages of immune system identification, uncover the different immune types, address what happens when your immune type gets stuck in one mode, and what you can do to reset your immune responses to get your health back on track. By identifying and treating immune system dysfunctions we can optimise our health to the max, prevent further damage, manage chronic health conditions better (especially autoimmune diseases), boost energy levels, clarify dietary choices, and even enhance weight loss efforts.

Why Immune System Identification Matters

  • Have you ever had allergies/intolerances to food later on in life, that previously you’ve always been fine with?
  • Have you ever wondered why you can be on the same diet as someone else, but it doesn’t seem to have the same results or effects on you?
  • Have you ever been overwhelmed by all the conflicting health advice online?

If so you are not alone! It appears that for every expert who says a specific food is healthy for you, there is another who says the exact opposite. But eating healthy does not have to and shouldn’t be this complicated.

The truth is that every food impacts each person differently and it really all depends on what immune response you are in; what’s beneficial for one might be toxic to another. Understanding your immune system response simplifies this, as diet, supplements, and exercise can significantly alter immune reactions, affecting health either positively or negatively.

The 9 Types of Immune System Responses

Initially, scientists discovered four types of immune system responses, later identifying a fifth, and ongoing research has since expanded this to nine distinct types. As time progresses, our understanding of these immune responses continues to evolve, reflecting their variation across different life stages and situations. Below is a brief description of all the known immune types and what they do.

1.The Innate Immune System

The innate immune system is the immune system that we are born with. As babies, we just use the innate immune system but as we get older the acquired immune system kicks in. The innate immune system is all of our physical barriers, including the skin, gut lining, respiratory tract, and brain barriers. If an infection occurs, the innate immune system responds within 3-5 days. But if the issue persists, it then activates the acquired immune system for additional support.

2.The Acquired Immune System

The acquired immune system can be likened to a car’s gearbox, which has seven gears that shift depending on the body’s needs and current conditions. Below are the seven parts of this system.

3.Th3 or Treg

The first part of the acquired immune system is called Th3 or Treg and it functions similarly to the neutral gear in a car. It’s the mode that the acquired immune system should be in most of the time.


Th1 is catabolic, so the body switches from the above neutral gear to this part of the acquired immune system when it needs to break things down, such as when you get an infection. However, if we stay in this mode for too long, it can eventually cause uncontrollable tissue damage, so we weren’t designed to stay in this mode for too long. TH1 immune response is also a pro-inflammatory response, which kills intracellular parasites like bacteria and viruses and perpetuates autoimmune responses. Both Th1 and Th2 fight against infectious diseases by producing cytokines and work together like a see-saw to be effective.


Th2 is anabolic, which means that it is a building and nurturing phase that causes everything to flourish, including you. When you’re pregnant, your body turns into this state so you can carry the fetus and so that your body/ immune system doesn’t think it’s an infection. Parasites like to drive in this mode because they can’t be killed off so easily by the body. Th2 can fight off certain parasites but only certain types. In order for the proper execution of all types of parasites, it has to work together in tandem with Th1 to be fully effective. Thus, if your body becomes trapped in this phase, it might allow some parasites to survive and make it difficult to get rid of them. Vaccinations also target Th2 because otherwise, they wouldn’t be able to work in the body. Microbial imbalances also trigger this immune type.


Th17 is a broken barrier system that, like Th1, is catabolic, meaning it breaks things down. But, unlike Th1, it is often activated only when the innate immune system has broken barriers, such as a leaky gut, a leaky brain, or damaged skin barriers.


This immune response leads to an increased production of histamine, often caused by prolonged Th2 dominance, mold, and parasites.


Th22 cells are present in various tissues such as the gut, skin, uterus, brain, digestive tract, and lungs, and are involved in the repair process. However, excessive Th22 activity can result in issues like keloid scarring and lipomas due to improper healing processes. Chemical exposure is a significant driver of Th22 activity.

9.TFH (T Follicular Helper Cells)

TFH cells found in lymphoid tissue play a role in promoting Th1 and Th17 responses and aid in the recognition of previously encountered pathogens by the immune system. Excessive production of TFH cells can result in conditions like lymphomas, and is linked to diseases like endometriosis and uterine cancer.

The Health Dangers of Stuck Immune Responses

We are supposed to jump in and out between all of these immune types depending on each individual situation, and stage of life. We go into each mode when we truly need it but mainly sit in neutral (Th3 or Treg). However, when the body gets stuck in Th1, Th2, or TH17 that’s when some serious damage can be caused and health problems can occur such as autoimmune diseases.

 If you have an autoimmune disease, a chronic illness, swelling, constant muscle tears, thyroid issues, eczema, psoriasis, Parkinson’s, Crohn’s, or cortisol issues, your immune response has most likely been stuck in Th1, Th2, or Th17 for far too long, causing numerous unpleasant side effects and causing damage in the body. If you are currently dealing with any of these health issues and want more information, we suggest scheduling a free root cause analysis. We can thoroughly investigate the issue and offer free information, advice, and suggestions on managing and improving your condition.

Determining Your Current Immune Response Type

 At Wholistic Natural Health, we delve into your health history in our root cause analysis by asking about your current health conditions, including allergies, aches, pains, skin concerns, and any existing intolerances. With this comprehensive understanding, we can identify your immune profile in our immune system identification service and craft a personalized plan tailored to your needs.


  • ✅ Tailored Wellness: Craft a diet and workout routine that’s perfectly aligned with YOU. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all advice!
  • ✅ Boost Your Health & Energy Levels: Feel better, do more, and live a fuller life.
  • ‍✅ Improve Weight Loss Efforts: Navigate your weight loss journey with more clarity and ease.
  • ✅ Get a Tailored Food Guide: Discover foods that’ll supercharge your specific immune type and improve your overall health. Plus steer clear of foods that might not sit well with your immune response and might aggravate conditions.
  • ✅ Get a Supplement & Probiotic Guide: Based on your immune type, find out which supplements and prebiotics/probiotic strains are most beneficial for you, and which ones to avoid.
  • ✅ Get Personalized Workout Recommendations: Uncover exercises that’ll boost your health based on your immune type and know which workouts to avoid.

Ready To Transform Your Health?

✅ Request my free root cause analysis: Start by getting you complimentary root cause analysis for body and mind health and receive personalised free insights and a 30 minute free health strategy session.

✅ Book Your Immune System Identification Now: Book our immune system identification service to find out your immune type and get a personalised plan for nutrition, exercise and supplememtation based on your immune profile. You can do so on our bookings page under all other individualized services available.

In this guide on Types of Immune Response and Their Impact on Health, we’ve delved deep into the importance of immune system identification. Did you appreciate finding out about this topic? If so, let us know in the comments or share this with a loved one if you believe they might benefit from it!


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