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Comprehensive Natural Health Services from Australia to the World

Wholistic Natural Health Australia specializes in holistic services that focus on the body’s systems, not just symptoms. We also offer remote worldwide services, allowing anyone to benefit from our expertise, regardless of location.

Our Services Include:

The (W) Holistic Approach Reset Package

This wholistic health package is designed to repair, recultivate, regenerate and reposition your health.

Did you know that nearly every health condition you may experience has an immune, gut, liver or pathogen component?

Neglecting these critical health foundations can lead to diminished functioning or even life-threatening situations. Traditional approaches like medication and surgery often only provide temporary relief, failing to tackle the underlying causes of chronic conditions. Addressing symptoms alone is not a lasting solution.

Our team of holistic health practitioners offers guidance on rejuvenating your health by focusing on the core reasons behind your health challenges, ensuring an ethical and sustainable approach to wellness.

This Holistic Health Package Includes:

  • Individualized Immune System Identification
  • Full Functional Integrative Root cause Analysis and Treatment
  • Nutritional Plan to Boost your Recovery
  • Analysis of Thyroid, Autoimmune and Hormone Health Levels
  • Identification of Gut/Brain Delays and Inflammation Pathways
  • Comprehensive Analysis of Previous Tests
  • Lymphatic Assessment
  • Lymphatic Treatment
  • Health Reset Coaching
  • Access to Practitioner Only Supplements
  • Access to Integrative Nutripath Pathology
  • Immune System Review
  • Skin Microbiome, Mould and Adrenopause Assessment and Treatment
  • Limbic System Assessment and Treatment
  • Education Materials

The Functional Liver and Lifestyle Detox Program

The functional liver and lifestyle detox program reduces toxins from all areas of life and supports all organs of elimination, including the liver, gut, and kidneys. It creates a space for your body to relax and recuperate and promotes optimum health via nutritional, environmental, and exercise changes.

Unlike most detox programs it doesn’t just remove toxins from your body. This detox program reduces toxins from all areas of your life including home, work, lifestyle, & body with the full support from a practitioner.

It is 5-week step-by-step regimen that starts with liver detoxification phase 3 which is elimination. Then it moves through stage 1 which is setting up for the nutrients needed, then to 2, & 2.5 which are the 6th pathways of liver function so methylation, glucuronidation, sulfonation, amino acid congregation, glycination, acetylation, glutathione conjugation.

Most other detoxification programs out there actually skip step 1 & go straight to phase 2, which actually triggers bad Herxheimer reactions which ours does not.

This detox program includes;

  • Individualized Immune System Identification
  • Supplements specifically targeted & chosen to suit your immune type & detox needs.
  • Environmental detoxing
  • Home detoxing
  • Office detoxing
  • Lifestyle detoxing

Who can this benefit?

This program can benefit everyone immensely as it resets the body however its particularly beneficial for anyone ezperiencing any or all of these symptoms.

Toxicity Symptoms Can Include:

  • Fatigue
  • Bloating, flatulence, indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea, and irritable bowel syndrome
  • Muscle aches, weakness, and joint discomfort
  • Mood swings
  • Poor memory
  • Frequent headaches
  • Allergies, dietary sensitivities and/or intolerances
  • Skin conditions such acne, eczema, rashes, and psoriasis
  • Poor immunological function
  • Thrush
  • Tinea
  • Recurrent UTIs
  • Depression and/or anxiety
  • Weight gain
  • Itchy skin
  • Right sided chest and back pain
  • Frequent, painful urination or dark or foul smelling urine
  • Congestion, coughs or wheezing

Discover more on our blog regarding liver health and the reasons why your liver’s condition might be responsible for these symptoms.

This Program Is Not:
  • Keto which can harm your thyroid, liver & gallbladder
  • Spirit-inspired, as other some other programs are.
  • It is not an uncomfortable and harsh detox that leaves you feeling raw and tight
  • It is not a program that instructs you to consume a liter of oil and juice to remove stones
  • In contrast to some of the main brands out there, it is not a program that pushes synthetic powders, shakes, etc. that only addresses the late phases & doesn’t empty drainage pathways first.

*Different packages can include all services over the sessions purchased

Our programs target stealth infections, align the systems of the body so that they may integratively work in sync. No system works alone. We help you work with the systems of the body. When they are working optimally, they provide relief from the ‘symptom merry go round’.

Our Specialty Services Include:

Mould Toxicity Recovery

✅ Advanced Immune Health

✅ PNEI (Psycho Neuro Endo Immunology) of Trauma.

Our holistic health practitioners can help you find a healthy balance in all areas of your life.

Not sure what service you might need?

If you are having health problems and you aren’t sure what service you might need from us,  we recommend that you start by getting your free

In the root cause analysis, we will be able to work out how we can help you best. We can also explain in more depth about our services, tests and treatment plans. This way you will have all the information you need to work out if our services are right for you.

Want to learn health skills that can help you understand and heal trauma better?

We now offer courses in the PNEI of Trauma. You can access that and many other amazing courses at Innate Immunity.

NutriPath Integrative Pathology Services


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