9 Holistic Healing Steps for Lasting Wellness
In this blog, we talk about the 9 Holistic Healing Steps for Lasting Wellness.
Healing is about fixing what has gone awry physically, internally, emotionally, and in your environment. The most important part of healing is that you have integrity while doing it. You cannot get healthy and make long lasting changes without utilising the integrity of healing.
So just what does that mean? The integrity of healing is vital to opening up your senses to what is coming. We all wonder how to heal when so many things are out of our control. Stress, for example, is the main cause or driver of dis-ease. When we focus on things that are out of our control, stress abounds and healing slows.
Healing is an opportunity to be honest with yourself, confront all areas of dis-ease and heal deeply on emotional, physical and mental levels. Whilst this can be difficult and somewhat confronting, it helps you address the root-cause and identify what may be the primary dis-ease or the factors that continue to affect you. The integrity of healing is your starting point.
9 Holistic Healing Steps For Better Health
1.Identify possible root causes
There are 13 systems of the body. Too often, medical and complementary medicine specialists treat the symptoms. You need to see a Functional Integrative medicine practitioner whose only commitment is to your health, not to particular supplement brands or to seeing as many ‘patients’ as they can per day. Your first breakthrough step in long lasting healing is to treat the systems of the body that are affected.
2. Identify factors that you can’t control
Every day, we are faced with things out of our control. How others behave, the things they say to us, even some of the tasks laid before us each day that are out of our control. Recognising this and working with what you CAN control is the way forward for your healing. Without doing this important step, you are bound to fail. You can’t achieve miracles, but you can work towards a goal and achieve that. Worrying about factors out of your control will only set you up for disappointment.
3. Identify the systems of the body that are affected
Each of the 11 body systems works with the other. Chances are, the pain in your knee is not a skeletal issue. It could be a lymphatic problem, an immune problem or even a circulatory problem. Being zeroed in on localised pain or symptoms only makes you miss the important information your body is telling you. Similarly, masking symptoms with pain killers or anti-inflammatories only serves to exacerbate the dis-ease.
4. Locate your current support systems
We all have those well meaning family and friends who say “ I’m there for you”. This step is really simple. Ask yourself ‘are they really here for me?’ If your gut feeling is no, then they are not. If you are the one always reaching out, these are not your support crew. Surround yourself with people who really have your back. They may not be people you speak to daily but they are the ones you can speak to every few months and know that you can pick up where you left off. No agendas, no glory hogs, just people who care about you.
5.Secure and revise your current support systems
This step follows up from the last. Let these people know what you are doing. Check their reactions. If they try to talk you out of it, they are not your support system. The only agenda for your crew is to support you and want the best for you.
6. Join in with people who want to be well
Speaking of support groups. . . we all know of or have been in support groups online. Watch that these groups are not a sickness competition. Many of them are groups that are full of members that like to myelinate the same diagnosis or symptoms. What is myelination? In short, it’s the process of repeating a thought until it becomes a new reality. If you myelinate symptoms, the body will do its best to achieve them as the brain’s neurons understand it to be a rule to live by.
7.[/su_dropcap] Look at your diary and allocate time for your healing, including dietary preparation, supplementation needs, etc
Make time for what is important. You may need to buy supplements or foods to help you heal, you may need to put aside time for meal preparation or even just downtime to rest. Make time in your diary. Time that is not negotiable. Remember the quote
If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail. ~Benjamin Franklin
8. Identify possible stumbling blocks
Check out events, times and commitments that could possibly get in the way of you following your healing protocols. Move what you need to but don’t postpone your healing. This doesn’t mean you put off healing. There will never be a ‘perfect’ time. This is an excuse. There is no time like now, no matter what is happening.
Look at your days and weeks ahead. Work out the least disruptive route and go from there. Your natural health practitioner can help you with this if they are also a Results Based Health Coach.
9. Prepare for all eventualities
As with the previous steps, planning, diarising, prioritising and preparing are all important. Ask yourself what could get in your way, how long it may take to truly heal or what the possible pros and cons are. Be ready, be steadfast in your commitment to yourself. Sometimes things can get a little worse before they get better. Are you ready for it?
Common Questions
When helping clients, we often hear the same questions at the start of their treatment plans and protocols. The most common questions are;
What if I find this process overwhelming?
All change can be overwhelming. If you change your perspective to see this as a challenge, then it’s not a problem.
What if I can’t stick to things? I find it hard to see these things through.
No time like the present, remember myelination? Believe in the positive and your mind will join your party.
What if I find that I have no support and I need to hide what I am doing?
Go back to steps 4 and 5. Your natural health practitioner team are part of your support crew.
These are all great questions. We see people from all walks of life and at every stage of healing. The answers to these questions are always the same because we know (from experience) just how tough it can be getting well but more so, just how rewarding it WILL be.
For more help on improving your health, book your free health strategy session today. We have qualified health coaches and can help advise you on how to get to your goals quicker.