
Thanks for securing your FREE Confidential "5 Steps To Optimum Health" Coaching Session!

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I will give you a call shortly to confirm your preferred time and day to have a chat. (If it's after hours right now, I'll try to call you the following business day between 9am and 5pm)

Thanks again, and I look forward to helping you find freedom from your anxiety.

Magic Barclay

Wholistic Natural Health
P: 0431 392 275

Simply Understanding Your Body's Immunity Can Result In...

  • Unlimited Energy
  • Better Sleep
  • A Stronger Body (Inside & Out)
  • Protecting Your Body From Viruses, Bacteria, & Other Stealth Pathogens

And the good news is, you’ll discover how to unlock all of this (plus more!) when you register for your FREE “5 Steps to Optimum Health" coaching session! Read on to learn more...

Hi, I'm Magic Barclay...

And if you’re trying to get (or keep) healthy but don’t know your immune type, you’re only working against yourself.

How do I know?

Having two amazing sons with Autism Spectrum Disorder certainly gives you a new perspective on health and how the body works. 

You see, after a successful career racing cars I managed to put on a few extra kilos. At the time it didn't bother me that much, but after having kids you start to think about life differently. And as a result it became obvious that I couldn't possibly expect to live a long and healthy life with all that extra weight. 

So once I acknowledged this, I began to approach my health and fitness in the same way I had my racing career... and the results were surprising! I lost over 74kg and the main thing that helped me get such great results was discovering that it wasn’t just about exercising.

It was all about unlocking what was right for my immune type so my body could flourish and naturally get down to a healthy weight.

As part of my journey into health & fitness I ended up owning a successful health club devoted to those with disabilities, extreme obesity, diabetes, and other health concerns.

And what I came to discover was that too many fitness programs out there just assume that everyone is relatively healthy and able-bodied. 

Naturally those high intensity fitness programs weren't suitable for my clients, and so I created a unique way for my incredible clients to get (and stay) healthy... all while remaining excited about their health.

Understanding your immune type is the key to unlocking your best energy and health.

And so I’m here to help women in Victoria re-energize their bodies, restore their health, and prevent chronic illnesses from manifesting so they can enjoy their best life. 

Everyone deserves great health, which is why I'm offering a FREE 45-minute 5 Steps To Optimum Health coaching session.

There are no strings attached, just a free session that could change your life right now...

Magic Barclay
Emotional Eating Specialist, Weight Loss Coach, Author, Community Educator & Advocate

Hi, I'm Magic Barclay...

And if you’re eating healthy foods already but don’t know your immune type, you’re only working against yourself.

How do I know?

Having two amazing sons with Autism Spectrum Disorder certainly gives you a new perspective on health and how the body works. 

You see, after a successful career racing cars I managed to put on a few extra kilos. At the time it didn't bother me that much, but after having kids you start to think about life differently. And as a result it became obvious that I couldn't possibly expect to live a long and healthy life with all that extra weight. 

So once I acknowledged this, I began to approach my health and fitness in the same way I had my racing career... and the results were surprising! I lost over 74kg and the main thing that helped me get such great results was discovering that it wasn’t just about exercising.

It was all about unlocking what was right for my immune type so my body could flourish and naturally get down to a healthy weight.

As part of my journey into health & fitness I ended up owning a successful health club devoted to those with disabilities, extreme obesity, diabetes, and other health concerns.

And what I came to discover was that too many fitness programs out there just assume that everyone is relatively healthy and able-bodied. 

Naturally those high intensity fitness programs weren't suitable for my clients, and so I created a unique way for my incredible clients to get (and stay) healthy... all while remaining excited about their health.

Understanding your immune type is the key to unlocking your best energy and health.

And so I’m here to help women in Victoria re-energize their bodies, restore their health, and prevent chronic illnesses from manifesting so they can enjoy their best life. 

Everyone deserves great health, which is why I'm offering a FREE 45-minute 5 Steps To Optimum Health coaching session.

Simply fill out the form and let me help you today. There are no strings attached, just a free session that could change your life right now...

Here's How Your Free "5 Steps To Optimum Health" Coaching Session Works...

Claim your optimum health coaching session today and learn the 5 key steps for boosting your energy and improving immunity.

It all starts with a confidential coaching call that helps you identify your own specific needs, then walks you through every step in greater detail...

STEP 1. Learn Your Immune System Type

Most people don’t know that 4 immune system types exist. They rule your energy levels, how you feel, and how well you can fight off pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, and fungal infections. Once you pinpoint your type, your progress toward better health begins.

STEP 2. Identify Dormant Viruses or Old Childhood Exposure

Another thing that could be keeping you unhealthy are dormant viruses lodged in your major organs. They lie in wait for replication inside you. Even ones you had in your childhood might never fully be gone.

STEP 3. Learn How to Turn the Tables

Viruses can’t replicate or reactivate when you make specific changes to their conditions. Certain foods are fuel for them as are co-infection and hereditary factors. Finding out how to do this will take you down the right path to better immunity and better overall health.

STEP 4. Connect Mental, Emotional, and Physical Realms

The mind and body are all intertwined. How your mental, emotional, and physical health connects together and how you relate to yourself and others affects your level of susceptibility, especially with these stealth pathogens. Cultivate positivity to grow all 3 aspects of your health.

STEP 5. Join Forces with the Environment

As part of both the outer ecosystem for a health sustaining environment and a vessel for the inner ecosystem, it is important to evolve our thoughts, actions, and systems of our bodies to properly respond the stimulus and stress. 

10+ Years Experience

I’ve dedicated my adult life to unlocking the benefits of an optimal immune system. And it's my personal mission to help as many people as possible enjoy a life full of energy, health and happiness.

100% Confidential

Our entire session is going to be treated as a safe-space, and anything we discuss will be kept completely confidential. I'm going to help YOU overcome YOUR obstacles in a way that’s completely customized for YOU!

Personal Health Coaching

Every person that I work with is unique, and while my strategies are universal and can help everybody, the application of them is not. We will take the time to address specific personal matters and examine what is going on right now in your life, and give you your own clear course of action to start working towards your goals and desires.

Escape Living An Average Life Of Low Energy And Health... 

And Breakthrough To Living A Life Full Of Great Health, Happiness And Boundless Energy Today!

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